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Cách nặn fondant em bé

Cập nhật: 17/08/2014 - 09:37 ( Lượt xem: 4.928 )

Cách nặn fondant em bé

Hunnie Cake ( - Dạy làm bánh - Đặt bánh cưới, sinh nhật


Start by rolling out the blue fondant, cutting a circle and then placing it on top of your cake board with some baking paper underneath. This will form the ‘bath’ for your baby topper.

Roll out an egg shape of flesh coloured fondant and attach to your blue bath using a small amount of water.

Using a skewer/toothpick/modelling tool, make a small hole for the belly button.

Make a hole in the top of the body with a skewer/piece of dry spaghetti, and then chop the end off the skewer so that it will be smaller than the baby once the head has been attached.

Roll out an oval shaped piece of flesh fondant for the head. Make sure you measure it up against your baby’s body to ensure the scale is accurate.

I cannot reiterate enough how important this step is – I have wasted so much time making heads that ended up being too large for the body, so learn from my mistakes :-)

Attach a small ball of flesh fondant to the centre of the head and make indents for the eyes.

Using a small circle cutter, indent the smiling mouth

(apologies for the blurry photo)

Indent either side of the mouth to give the baby a more comical expression

Roll two balls of flesh fondant for the ears.

Using a ball tool, indent each ear and attach to the baby’s head.

(in hindsight… these ears may be slightly too large for this baby’s head!)

Brush a small amount of water on the baby’s body and attach the head to the skewer.

Roll out two balls of flesh fondant for the arms and then roll into a sausage shape, with a bend for the elbow.

Make indents on one end of the arm for the fingers, and also make a bend for the wrists.

Flatten the top of the arm and attach to the body using some water. Don’t worry too much how the arms look (mine look ridiculous in this photo!!) as you can keep remoulding the arms and you can also cover up parts of the arms you dislike using the bubbles and other decorations at the end.

I’ve also stuck my fondant duck into the bath so that I could glue the hands in place.

To make the bubbles, roll out the white fondant into balls of different sizes. I used some florist wire which I rolled around a modelling tool like a spring, before cutting to size and attaching a white ball to the end.

Leave all the bubbles that have been attached to a spring aside. These will be stuck into the actual cake once it has been iced and the topper is in place.

Place all your bubbles over the baby – being sure to cover up any blemishes! (I decided at this point that the arms looked a little ridiculous and that I’d cover these later using the bubbles attached to the springs.)

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